From Awkward Asks to Engaging Interviews: Expert Tips on Podcast Guest Booking

It’s Who You Know But Also So Much More: The Art and Science of Podcast Guest Booking 

Booking podcast guests can take you all the way back to those fun 8th grade dances. You need to ask someone to be your date, but how do you move past the sweaty palms, fluttering heartbeat and fear of rejection? What if they say no and you’re left hanging by the Doritos all night, or what if they say yes and you actually have to produce a great night? 

In the podcast world, that translates to prepping for the interview, executing it flawlessly, ensuring the whole conversation sounds great, and making sure the guest's message and the heart of the conversation are captured perfectly. Unlike that middle school dance, podcast guest booking doesn't have to be a cringe-fest.

With the right approach, you can turn that awkward ask into a smooth invitation that has guests lining up to be on your show. The right podcast guests can keep you engaged in the process, help you attract new listeners to your show and skyrocket your episodes from “meh” to “must listen”. 

Here's the dirty truth about guest booking:

● It's a time-sucker. Research, outreach, follow-ups – it never ends. When you’re juggling other commitments while trying to produce a killer podcast, finding and booking guests can be a recipe for burnout. 

● Ever try to sync calendars across time zones, deal with reschedules, and find that magic window when you and your guest are both free to have a heartfelt convo? It…can be a lot. 

● It'll drain your creativity. Coming up with fresh guest ideas is a whole job on its own?  

And here's the kicker: Skimp on guest booking, and you're not just wasting time. You're risking your show's quality, consistency, and audience.

The Podfly Way: More Than Just a Contact List

At Podfly, we don't just book guests. We craft experiences. We get to know your audience. Like, really know them. What makes them tick? We match guests to your show's DNA. It's not about big names. It's about the right fit. We also handle all the grunt work from first email to pre-show interview, day-of prep and post show celebration. 

When you team up with us for guest booking, here's what goes down:

  • ● The kick-off convo. We dig deep into your show. What's your vision? Who's your dream guest? This isn't just small talk. It's the foundation of our game plan.

  • ● Based on our chat, we develop a guest booking strategy just for you. For some clients, like PGIM’s show “The OutThinking Investor”, we're after Harvard economists. For others, like Pega Systems “Bold Stories”, we wrangled in engineering and science wizards.

  • ● The outreach hustle is where we shine. We craft personalized pitches that speak to each potential guest. What could they benefit from being on the show? Why them and why now? 

  • ● We've got the follow-up game (we think of it as a passionate tango) down to an art. Persistent, but not annoying. It's a fine line, but we walk it like pros. We also keep you in the loop with consistent and timely updates. 

  • ● Once a guest bites, we become calendar magicians. We juggle time zones, navigate packed schedules, and find that sweet spot that works for everyone.

  • ● We don't just send a calendar invite and call it a day. We prep both you and the guest. We're talking tailored questions, background research, tech instructions – the works.

  • ● We're tech whizzes. No more stressing about whether your guest can figure out Zoom. We help you choose the right platform, run test calls, and set up backups. We ship out custom kits to guests, making sure they have everything they need for a top-notch recording.

  • ● We don't just book and bounce. We gather feedback for a post-show debrief where we can learn and keep improving. As we keep working together, we fine-tune everything. We learn what you like, what your audience digs, and keep upping our game.

What It's Like Working With Us

Every client's different, but here's a taste of what you might expect:

  • ● Weekly strategy calls to plan upcoming guests. 

  • ● Regular updates on who we're reaching out to and who's confirmed. 

  • ● A shared calendar with all the guest slots and deadlines. 

  • ● Access to our guest management sheets and systems – all the details at your fingertips. 

  • ● Pre-interview briefs delivered two days before each recording. 

  • ● Post-episode check-ins to gather your thoughts and plan ahead. 

We're all about flexibility and fitting into your schedule. Some clients want daily updates, others prefer monthly. Some want to be hands-on with guest picking, others let us take the wheel. We roll with what works for you.

Why Podfly?

You might be thinking, "Can't I just use my own network or hire an intern?" Sure, you could. But here's why our clients stick with us:

  • ● We live and breathe podcasts. We get the medium inside out.

  • ● We're relationship builders. Our network isn't just a list. It's a community we've nurtured for years.

  • ● We think of the big picture. We're not just filling slots. We're crafting your show's story arc.

Let me give you a real example. For PGIM, we didn't just chase big names. We found guests who could really dig into economic trends and investment strategies. We landed a series of top economists who didn't just bring cred – they sparked conversations that hit home with PGIM's audience.

On average, our clients save 5-10 hours per episode with our guest booking service. But it's not just about time. It's about getting your show, your audience, and the art of making connections. It's about turning a good podcast into a can't-miss show, one guest at a time. At Podfly, we're not just booking guests. We're crafting experiences, building relationships, and helping you tell stories that matter 

Ready to take your show to the next level? Let's chat about how our guest booking can transform your podcast. After all, your next great episode is just one perfect guest away

Meryl Klemow

Meryl is an accomplished Senior Copywriter, Guest Booker, and Project Manager based in Burbank, CA, with an impressive career spanning nearly a decade in the podcast industry. Holding a degree from the prestigious Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, Meryl is not only well-versed in the art of crafting captivating content but also a passionate podcaster and creative enthusiast at heart. Recognizing the significance of bringing your creative vision to life, she places immense value on being part of a dedicated team that shares your passion and empowers you to achieve your goals.

With a diverse portfolio, Meryl collaborates with clients across a broad spectrum of industries, including health and wellness, comedy, spirituality, and tourism. Her versatile expertise allows her to cater to the unique needs and objectives of each client, whether it's capturing quotes that sum up the heart of a conversation or helping them book their dream guests.

In her off-work hours, Meryl performs stand up comedy all over LA and beyond, and loves traveling to new places. 


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